Thursday, November 5, 2015

ICS Newsletter: Thursday November 5, 2015

Upcoming Events
5 - Family Supper with ICS Households
6 - Master's Music Class with Ms. Maniscalco, p.m. activity schedule 
7 - ICS Auction
9 - ICS Open House for Prospective Students and Families, 7:00 p.m., St. John Room

11 - School Mass with ICS Households; ICS Open House for Prospective Students and Families, 9:30 a.m., St. John Room
; ICS - Culver's Spirit Lunch forms due to the office
13 - Friday Morning Assembly, 8:30 a.m., St. Michael Hall; Irish Incarnation Day (Any ICS shirt, Jeans or PE shorts, sneakers); ICS - Culver's Spirit Lunch

18 - School Mass
19 - Kindergarten – 8th Grade Thanksgiving Celebration; Classroom level Thanksgiving celebrations during lunch / recess; Children's Grief Awareness Day - all students are permitted to wear blue shirts with formal uniform bottoms / PE shorts / jeans and sneakers

20 - Irish Cup Activity, p.m. activity schedule; Irish Incarnation Spirit Day - Priory color shirts (H = Blue, O = Yellow, M = Green, E = White), uniform bottoms / PE shorts / jeans and sneakers
21 - ICS Family Fun Run
23 – 27 - NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break
30 - ICS - Chick-fil-A Spirit Night and Christmas Concert (at Chick-fil-A)

2 - School Mass with ICS Households
4 - First Friday Morning Assembly; Irish Incarnation Day (Any ICS shirt, Jeans or PE shorts, sneakers)
8 - School Mass, Immaculate Conception
10 - Family Supper with ICS Households
14 - ICS - Culver's Spirit Night
16 - School Mass
17 - Advent / Christmas Program, 7:00 p.m., St. Michael Hall
18 - ½ Day; ICS Winter Wonderland; NO AFTERCARE AVAILABLE
21 – 31    NO SCHOOL – Christmas Break

For a comprehensive look at all of the many activities we have planned for this school year, please visit our ICS Calendar Page.


Please pray for Mrs. Liz Lazaris, ICS 5th Grade Teacher, and Mrs. Lazaris's family as they struggle with the loss of Mrs. Lazaris's mother this past Monday. We hope and pray that Mrs. Lazaris and her family can find comfort and peace through the love and grace of Jesus Christ and by the love extended to her from ICS. 

We lift up the Elkins family in our thoughts and prayers as well. Mrs. Elkins' grandmother passed away into eternal life. May God usher to the Elkins family His love, comfort, peace and strength as they cope with this loss. 

We continue to pray for Mrs. Sirianni and her family as they mourn the loss of her father. May God grant strength and healing to Mrs. Sirianni and her family and may Mrs. Sirianni feel the outpouring of love and support from her ICS family. 

We also continue to pray for the family of Isaac Rosa as they grieve for the passing into eternal life of Isaac's maternal grandfather, Pablo Aviles. We hope that the love and support of the ICS family can be extensions of God's love and mercy during this difficult time. 

We pray in thanksgiving for the many blessings God has bestowed upon us, especially for the gifts of family, friends and faith. 

We pray for our ICS Household and Priory initiative. May God use this intentional time to forge community to enhance our school spirit, deepen our faith and increase academics and behavior. 

We pray for the financial success of this Saturday's 2015 Auction event. May God bless the work of the Auction Committee and may He bless the ICS Family with the resources needed to accomplish our ICS Mission to uphold our tradition, inspire disciples of Christ, challenge all to be life-long learners and strive to live our faith in service to each other and the community.  

We continue to pray for safety and shelter for all people and property throughout the remainder of the 2015 Hurricane Season.

Have a prayer request? Send it to

Hope Will Rise

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has" (Margaret Mead).

As we excitedly anticipate our 2015 ICS Auction, we humbly ask for your committed support and generosity in meeting the financial goal of $55,000 to help sustain and advance the mission of Incarnation Catholic School. 

Incarnation is a special place - AMAZING teachers, AMAZING students and AMAZING families. May God abundantly bless the efforts of this committed group this Saturday and always!

ICS Irish Athletics
*Boys Track & Field with Cross Country Schedule 2015

-Practices (3:30 - 4:30 p.m.):
Monday 11/9
Wednesday 11/11
Monday 11/16

-Running, Relay & High Jump Meets:
Saturday 11/7 at Tampa Catholic High School,  8:00 a.m.

-Field Events (Long Jump, Discus, and Shot put):

Thursday 11/5 at Christ the King, 4:00 p.m.
Thursday 11/12 at Christ the King, 4:00 p.m.
-Cross Country Meet:

Wednesday 11/18 at Mary Help Christians, 4:00 p.m.

*Girls Basketball Schedule 2015
Varsity games start at 4:00 p.m.; JV games start at 5:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.

Thursday 11/5: ICS at Mother Teresa of Calcutta (A)

Tuesday 11/10: ICS at Nativity (A)

Thursday 11/12: ICS vs. Corpus Christi (H)

Tuesday 11/17: ICS at St. Joseph (A); no JV game

Thursday 11/19: ICS vs. St. Stephen (H)

Tuesday 12/1: ICS vs. St. Peter Claver (H); no JV game
Playoffs: Week of Dec. 7

*ICS Floor Hockey
The ICS athletic department is happy to announce ICS Floor Hockey!

Students in Grades 5 - 8 are welcome to join.

Date and time for this year's floor hockey event: Tuesday November 10th from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.  

Floor hockey is played in sneakers and if a student does not have a hockey stick they will be provided with one from the school. 

The event will be held under the ICS pavilion.

Students are asked to bring a plain white T-shirt and their ICS PE shirt.

Students MUST have a mouth guard to participate.

*Boys Basketball
Coach Henderson will hold his first boys basketball meeting for boys in the 4th-8th grade on Wednesday November 11. The meeting will take place after school from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.  Interested boys should wear athletic clothing and be prepared for a conditioning workout. 

Please contact Coach Garofolo if you have any questions about anything related to ICS Irish Athletics:

Go Irish!

Background Screening
Anyone hoping to join our students on campus during the school day must have a Level II Background Screening completed through the Diocese of St. Petersburg.

Volunteers may log into the site listed below and register. You will need to use the login information provided below:  

Applicant login credentials:  

Username: dosp

Password: Password1

Volunteers who would also like to supervise children need Safe Environment Program Training in addition to the Level II screening. Visit this link for dates of upcoming trainings: 

If you have any questions about these policies that help ensure the safety and security of our students, please contact the Front Office: 813.884.4502.

ICS Auction 2015

It's not too late to purchase your tickets (or table!) for this Saturday's ICS Auction! Please send into the School Office your ticket payment either today or tomorrow before we sell out!

Individual tickets are priced at $75 each. 

Please remember that all families are expected to donate at least $150 between the Auction and/or the Payday Sweepstakes Drawing (to be held in March / April). We hope that you will consider attending this year's Auction, "An Evening of Southern Elegance". 

Thank you to our list of sponsors, especially the many families that have stepped forward this year! Your commitment to ICS is commendable!

Platinum: Oliva Tobacco Company (Oliva Family)

Gold: BAST Floors and Staircases (Newcom Family)

Silver: The Al-Ali Family (Al-Ali Family)

Silver: Moore Dental Care (Moore Family)

Silver: Clearwater Central Catholic High School

Silver: Freedom Motorcars Inc. (Belsha Family) 
*The Auction Program incorrectly lists Freedom Motorcars as a Bronze level sponsor. We apologize for this error and thank Freedom Motorcars for their SILVER Level Sponsorship!

Bronze: Law Office of Hernando Bernal, Jr., P.A.

Bronze: The Grandparents of Molly Caballero (Caballero Family)

Bronze: Whitco Insurance Agency

Bronze: Westchase Pizza & Pasta Company (De La Guardia Family)

Bronze: Rehabquest Therapy Services, Physical Therapy

Bronze: Hernandez Family (Hernandez Family)

Bronze: Tampa Community Hospital

Bronze: Wood, Smith Henning & Berman, LLP

Bronze: Meadow Wood Property Company

Bronze: Future Home Realty - Karin Rueda (Rueda Family)

Bronze: The Wood Team (Wood Family - ICS graduate in 2014)

Friends of ICS: Vigo Importing Company

Friends of ICS: The Graves Family
Friends of ICS: Bishop McLaughlin Catholic High School
Friends of ICS: The Morello Family

Beverage Sponsor: Pepin Distributing Company

Printing Sponsor: MLI Marketing Solutions (Saavedra Family)

Vendor: Carraba's Italian Grill

Remember that we have secured Carraba's as our caterer for the event so you know the food will be outstanding!

Open bar! Dancing! 

There are many great items to claim through either the silent or live auctions, including but not limited to the following:

*Skip the Pick-up Line  
*Principal for the Day  
*Front Pew for Christmas Eve / Easter / Graduation 
*Hors d'oeuvres with Fr. Michael 
*5-day cruise for two 
*1 week in a beautiful cabin in Blue Ridge, GA 
*Weekend getaways to: Indian Rocks Beach, a cabin in Steinhatchee, FL, or at Lake Rousseau in Crystal River 
*A day at the Grand Beauty Spa for 6
Visit this link for a preview of all of the items and services that will be available for bidding on Saturday: 2015 ICS Auction Program. You won't want to walk away empty handed!

Set-up: Remember that only ICS Auction Committee members will be a part of set-up on Saturday November 7 (the day of the event). Volunteer opportunities for Auction set-up for non-committee members are available on both Thursday and Friday, November 5 and 6.

Clean-up: Please consider signing up to help clean-up on Sunday November 8 from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Sign-up: Contact if you would like to volunteer for clean-up (November 8) or set-up on November 5 or November 6. Please call the office or email if you would still like to volunteer.

Please pray for the success of this important ICS event! 

Thank you again to our Auction Committee volunteers, sponsors, donors and attendees! 

ICS Open House for Prospective Students

Please help spread the good news of ICS by inviting those who may be interested to one of our upcoming two Open Houses, November 9 and 11. Your word of mouth about the good things happening in Christ's name at Incarnation is our most powerful advertising tool. Thank you in advance for your help and support in growing our school.

Open House on Monday November 9 will take place in the evening at 7:00 p.m.

The Wednesday November 11 session will start at 9:30 a.m.

Please call the School Office if you have any questions or would be interested in helping us with these events: (813) 884-4502.

ICS Band Moving to Fridays
Remember that ICS Band has moved to Fridays! Please be prepared for tomorrow's lesson! Don't forget your instrument!

Masters Music Class - 11/6

The Master Class on November 6 will be given by soprano Jennifer Sunshine. Ms. Sunshine and Ms. Maniscalco have been working together for over ten years giving concerts in schools, concert halls, and churches in New York City.  In January of 2013, the duo raised $3,000 at their concert, "Songs for Sandy," given to benefit the Brooklyn Community Fund and specifically, a family that had been affected by Hurricane Sandy. Ms. Sunshine is very excited to meet the students of ICS and work on their Christmas music with them! 

This Masters class on Friday November 6 will take place in the Church in the afternoon. Therefore, the November Morning Assembly has been moved to the next week, Friday November 13. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Maniscalco:

Remember that our Advent / Christmas Music Program is scheduled for Thursday December 17 at 7:00 p.m. in St. Michael Hall. Mark it on your calendars today!

Faith Formation Updates
*The First Communion Workshop II will be Saturday, November 14 in St. Michael Hall from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. 

*The Confirmation Parent Meeting will be held Wednesday, November 18 in the Church at 7:00 p.m. Please provide a copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate at this meeting. The deadline for Confirmation registration is this Friday, October 30. 

*If you wish to have your child baptized at Incarnation Catholic Church, please contact Carmen Cayon either by phone, 813.885.7861, or by email,

All Sacrament preparation is done through the Faith Formation Office, not the school. Business hours for the Faith Formation Office are 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Please direct any questions you may have to  either Philomena Johnson or Carmen Cayon either by phone, 813.885.7861, or by email, or

We thank our partners in Catholic education from the eastern side of our Incarnation campus for all of their work with our families regarding sacramental preparation!

ICS 4th Annual Family Fun Run
Saturday November 21 is our 4th Annual ICS Family Fun Run / Walk. 1 mile and 5K distances will once again be available this year. Cost is $10 in advance, $15 on the day of the event. See the image below or the flyer in today's packet for more details. 

Please register by Monday November 16!

On your mark. Get set. GO!

ICS Students are AMAZING
Congratulations to the following students in Grades 5 - 8 who earned honors for their academic and behavioral efforts for the first quarter! 

Students who have achieved honors for the first quarter will be recognized next Friday at our November Friday Morning Assembly at 8:30 a.m. in St. Michael Hall. We hope to see you there. 

Go Irish!

Inspire disciples of Christ,
Challenge each individual to be a life-long learner, and
Strive to live our Catholic faith through service to each other and the community.

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