Thursday, March 3, 2016

ICS Newsletter: Thursday March 3, 2016

Upcoming Events
3 - Family Supper with ICS Households
4 - First Friday Afternoon Assembly, 2:00 p.m. in St. Michael Hall; Irish Incarnation Day (Any ICS shirt, Jeans or PE shorts, sneakers); David's Little Champions, 3:30 - 4:30
7 – 18 - IOWA Assessment, Grades 2 – 8
9 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.; Penance Service with Bishop Robert Lynch, 7:00 p.m., Incarnation Church
11 - ICS - Culver's Spirit Lunch order form due
16 - School Mass; Middle School Reconciliation;  ICS - Culver's Spirit Lunch 
17 - St. Patrick’s Day (Any Green shirt, Jeans or PE shorts, sneakers); Classroom level celebrations 
during lunch / recess; Carnival Sweepstakes Drawing begins; 3rd and 4th Grade to Cracker Country
18 - Irish Cup Activity, p.m. activity schedule
21 - ICS - Culver's Spirit Night
22 - 2nd Grade to Dinosaur World
23 - School Mass; National Junior Honor Society inductions after Mass; Grades 2 - 5 Reconciliation         
24 - ½ Day of School, Holy Thursday; End of Quarter 3 
25 – 31 - No School, Easter Break

1 - No School, Easter Break
4 - School resumes 
6 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.
7 - Kindergarten Easter Hat Parade
13 - School Mass with ICS Households, 8:30 a.m.
14 - Carnival, 6:00 - 10:00 p.m. 
15 - 1/2 day of school; Carnival 6:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. 
16 - Carnival 2:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.
17 - Carnival 1:00 - 8:00 p.m.
18 - No School, Carnival Clean-up
20 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.
21 - Family Supper with ICS Households
25 - ICS - Chick-fil-A Spirit Night
27 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.

For a comprehensive look at all of the many activities we have planned for this school year, please visit our ICS Calendar Page.

We pray for the Newcom family as they mourn the loss of Mr. Newcom's grandfather (Christopher and Lizzie's great-grandfather). May God surround the Newcom family during this difficult time and usher in His love, peace and strength. 

We pray for the aunt of Allison Cuomo (Gr. 4). Allison's Aunt Nanci is recovering slowly from her third surgery to remove tongue cancer. May the doctors caring for Allison's aunt be led and guided by the Holy Spirit and may Nanci experience His healing hand. We lift up Allison, her Aunt Nanci and their entire family during this difficult time. 

We pray for all of those who will be fully initiated into the Church during this upcoming Easter. May God bless these RCIA candidates during these final weeks of preparation. 

We pray for the continued recovery of Flavio da Silva, Mickaella Marcal's (Gr. 2) father.

We pray that our Lenten efforts to participate in prayer, fasting and almsgiving may lead us into a deeper and fuller relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. 

We pray for our 8th Graders, the ICS Class of 2016. May God continue to bless them and may He lead them and guide them throughout the remainder of their time at ICS and may He continue with them on their journeys to high school and beyond!

Have a prayer request? Send it to

Hope Will Rise

This past Monday, ICS students returned to school from the weekend with this newly installed hydration station (picture above) that was made possible through the efforts of the ICS Student Council. 

Water gives life. This water fountain has filled our student body with renewed energy and excitement.

This project was entirely student initiated and executed. They desired a new water fountain, they designed activities to generate the necessary funds and they worked diligently to make it a reality! 

While students at other schools may have the luxury of having equipment like this installed for them, our ICS students proved that we can do hard things and they are reaping the rewards of this hard work. 

Thirst is quenched. Life is given. We can do hard things. 

Hope Will Rise.

ICS Academics
This is Part 3 in our series on Standards Based Grading. Remember that Standards Based Grading (SBG) removes approaches to learning traits and focuses on a student's progress toward a particular concept and/or skill. Mastery takes precedence over points and students are given descriptive feedback about their learning. 

What are the advantages of SBG over traditional grading? See below!

More insights on SBG will be featured next week! If you would like more information or if you have a specific question, please contact Mrs. Gonzalez, a member of our Diocesan Grading Policy Committee:

ICS Faith
As a part of our school's Lenten focus on "5 Stones" to help us conquer our "Giants", ICS students are participating in various works of mercy throughout the course of Lent. In addition to raising funds for cancer research through Pasta for Pennies and for students from our sister parish in the Dominican Republic, ICS students are also assembling lunches for local food banks.

This past week ICS 5th and 6th graders joined together to help the Kaye Prox Food Bank. In the coming weeks other pairs of grade levels will have a similar opportunity to live out the corporal works of mercy of feeding the hungry and giving drink to the thirsty.

If you haven't already, talk to your child about the "5 Stones" and how you and your family can participate in any or all of the "stones" as well!

ICS Digital Media
A Chick-fil-A restaurant in Georgia has instituted "Cell Phone Coops" to help families connect with each other during dinner as opposed to their screens and devices. The "coop" is placed on each table. Families are encouraged to place their devices inside the box throughout their meal. If successful, the family is rewarded with a free ice cream dessert. 

Based on research that states that Americans spend an average of 4.7 hours on their phones each day, the operator of the Georgia restaurant, Brad Williams, and his team designed the Cell Phone Coop to "provide a sense of community for our customers, where family and friends can come together and share quality time with one another." 

You don't need to visit this fast-food joint to reap the benefits of this practice. Make the dinner table device-free. Engage in the people in front of you.  Continue to analyze the grip that technology has on you and your family and fight to take back and/or maintain time with your loved ones - it is too precious to waste by staring at a screen instead of each other!

Iowa Assessment
Next week, from March 7 - 11, ICS students in grades 2 - 8 will participate in the Iowa Assessment. The Iowa Assessment is a nationwide standardized test aimed at providing feedback as to the overall growth of our students and our school. Scores are compared to the performance of all of the other students who take the same test at the same time. In this way, the test provides teachers, students and families information about the progress of a student. For more on the Iowa test, check out our Iowa Video Series!

While there is no way to study for this type of test, students and families can prepare in the following ways: continue to review grade level content taught thus far this school year - especially vocabulary, math facts, grammar and comprehension, and encourage your son/daughter to do his/her best!

During the week of testing and even over the weekend, please be sure to do each of the following each day:

1. Get plenty of rest.
2. Eat a healthy breakfast.
3. Stay hydrated.
4. Stay positive.
5. Engage in some sort of light exercise / activity. 

If you have any questions about Iowa Assessments, please contact either your child's Homeroom teacher or Mrs. Gonzalez: or Mr. Woodward:

ICS Irish Athletics
The next Irish Athletics sport is Boys' Volleyball. See below for details:

ICS BOYS' VOLLEYBALL 2016Grades 5 - 8
PRACTICETuesday March 8, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.Wednesday March 9, 3:30-4:30pm
GAME DAYThursday March 10, 4:00 p.m. @ ICS
*Boys MUST wear their PE uniform to the GAME DAY EVENT*

Please contact Coach Garofolo either via email:, or phone: (813) 884-4502 for more information about sports for our ICS student-athletes! You can also check out more details on the ICS Athletics Wiki:

Go Irish!

David's Little Champions
The ICS Irish Athletic Department's new initiative, David's Little Champions, starts tomorrow, Friday March 4, from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Student-athletes are encourage to bring a soccer ball with their name on it (please note that this is not required). There is no fee for this and upcoming David's Little Champions events. 

If you would still like to register your child,  please contact the Front Office. 

Pick-up will take place in the Pavilion parking lot (just pull into the lot and park). Students who will stay for after care will be escorted to the After Care room (please just be sure to let the Office know that they should go to After Care). 

Contact Coach Garofolo either via email:, or phone: (813) 884-4502 for more information about this exciting ICS opportunity!

Faith Formation Updates
First Communion Dates
-March 5, and April 9 
-9:30-11:30 a.m. in St. Michael Hall
-both child and parent should attend 

*First Communion is Sunday, May 1, 2016

Confirmation Dates
Penance Service
March 9, 7:00-8:30 p.m. in the Church 
-both teen and parent attend

-Tues. May 24  at 6:00 p.m.

*Confirmation is Wed., May 25, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., Candidates and Sponsors must be here by 6:30 p.m.

Adult Catechesis
Doors of Mercy Parish Initiative
April 4, 11, 18, 25 - 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. in St. Michael Hall
May 2, 9, 16, 23 - 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. in St. Michael Hall

-Each week we will meet in the hall and begin with a short prayer service, singing, and sharing a light meal. Then we will begin a presentation on God’s mercy. We will have a different presenter each week. The first week Fr. Michael will do the presentation. After the presentation there will be time to reflect on some questions in small groups. There will be both Spanish and English small group discussions available.

Topics for reflection include: Six great covenants of the Bible, how the sacraments are Doors of Mercy, Revelations of St. Faustian and the Divine Mercy devotion, why now is the “time of Mercy”, how can we open ourselves and others up to God’s mercy and how to prepare to receive the graces of this Extraordinary Jubilee year.

For more information contact Carmen Cayon (813) 885-7861 or

Incarnation Carnival - April 14 - 17
Mark your calendars! Save the dates! The Incarnation Carnival is coming - April 14 - 17!

All school families need to volunteer their time to help support this event (5 hours minimum). Our main goal for this year's Carnival is to celebrate Incarnation! It will be a four-day party to celebrate our School, our Church and our local community! We want as many people as possible to attend all four days and we desire to provide an unparalleled Carnival experience - fun, food, fellowship, rides and entertainment! 

-Thursday April 14 - 6:00 - 10:00 p.m.
-Friday April 15 - 6:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.
-Saturday April 16 - 2:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.
-Sunday April 17 - 1:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Be on the lookout for upcoming opportunities to get involved. From set-up, to cooking, to ticket selling, to clean-up, we need all hands on deck for this incredible event!

Incarnation Carnival Sweepstakes Drawing
Information regarding our Incarnation Carnival Sweepstakes is here! Formerly known as the Payday Sweepstakes Raffle, this - along with our Auction - is one of two opportunities for families to meet their $150 fundraising commitment to the school. 

All school families will receive 15 tickets, priced at $10 each. Any family who was not able to attend Auction is expected to buy / sell all 15 tickets. If a family was only able to purchase one Auction ticket, 8 raffle tickets must be bought / sold. If a family attended Auction with two tickets, we would ask for your support in this effort, but it is not required. 

Of course, all families are encouraged to sell / buy even more than 15 tickets! Here are a few things to remember:

1. Your family does not need to buy any of the tickets. Sell them to your extended family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers!

2. You have the opportunity to get a great return on your investment. Each ticket will have the chance at winning one of 19 prizes. Winning tickets are re-entered into the drawing! 

3. The prizes will occur as follows:
-Mondays - Thursdays = $100
-Fridays = $250
-3rd Prize (drawn on 4/15) = $500
-2nd Prize (drawn on 4/16) = $1,000
-Grand Prize (drawn on 4/17) = $4,000

4. The total prize money awarded will be: $7,750!

5. Expect tickets to be given next week. We will send an Instant Alert when they are ready! Remember that the fun will begin on St. Patrick's Day! GO IRISH!

First Friday AFTERNOON Assembly - March 4
Remember that tomorrow, Friday March 4, students in grades 2 - 8 will be preparing for the Iowa Assessment that will be administered the next week (March 7 - 11, see above). As such, the morning will be devoted to taking a practice test and preparing classrooms for testing. Therefore, our First Friday Morning Assembly will be moved to a First Friday AFTERNOON Assembly! 

Instead of gathering at 8:30 a.m. on Friday March 4 in St. Michael Hall, we will instead join together at 2:00 p.m. for our monthly festivity! We hope that despite the change of time that you will still be able to join us! 

Remember, tomorrow Friday March 4, First Friday Assembly is in the afternoon at 2:00 p.m. in St. Michael Hall!

2015 - 16 ICS Yearbook
Be sure to capture the AMAZING memories of this school year by ordering your 2015 - 2016 ICS Yearbook today. There is a Yearbook Order button on the front page of the ICS website: or by going directly to the Lifetouch site: 

Be sure to enter in the ICS code: 1687916. 

The cost is $35.

Please contact the Front Office with any questions: (813) 884-4502. 

Black History Month at ICS
ICS celebrated its rich diversity this past month by highlighting the impact of African-Americans on our state, our Church, our country and our world. At ICS, we believe that we are both community members and global thinkers. Check out these highlights from some of our grade levels:

*1st Grade: In a unit focused on Heroism, ICS 1st graders study the lives of Ruby Bridges, the first African-American - who was also a 1st grader! - to attend an all-white school in Louisiana. Students watched Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream Speech" and read books on the topic as well. Furthermore, ICS 1st graders covered Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Barack Obama and other African-American heroes. The unit ends with a creative look at how we, too, can be a real-life hero.

*2nd Grade: 2nd graders read and discussed their Scholastic News issue on Rosa Parks. Classroom conversations centered around how one person could make such a huge difference through a small action. Students used myON Reader to read books on George Washington Carver, Booker T. Washington, Wilma Rudolph and Jackie Robinson. As an extension of learning about activism, some 2nd graders started petitions in the school for more time for lunch, recess and for free Doritos and ice cream!

*4th Grade: We recently learned about Fort Mose / St. Augustine the first community in Florida started by Africans ex-slaves (   

In their unit titled, "The Civil War and Reconstruction", students used myON Reader to read the book "The Drinking Gourd".  We also discussed the Underground Railroad and Harriet Tubman and watched a video on discovery education: America's Journey Through Slavery: Harriet Tubman and Her Escape to Freedom. Presently, we are learning about slavery in Florida prior to the Civil War.  The students will continue to learn about many events that involve African Americans in Florida especially in another unit "Challenges and Civil Rights".
St. Augustine, Florida: Birthplace of African American History. By David Nolan. The rich African American heritage of St. Augustine should cause all history textbooks ...
*6th Grade Language Arts: Students watched and discussed pieces of the documentary "More Than a Month" about a 29 year old African-American who embarked on a journey across our country to critically investigate the month devoted to celebrating black history in our country. Students were led through the thought provoking video which showcased how history is treated throughout our country and discussed how it should be considered. 

ICS - Culver's Spirit Lunch
Our next ICS - Culver's Spirit Lunch is scheduled for Wednesday March 16. Please note that the due date for the money and order forms is Friday March 11. Since we have to adhere to Culver's deadlines for this event, no orders will be accepted after March 11. If you have any questions, please contact the Front Office. 

2016 - 17 ICS Registration
Tuition rates and registration paperwork for the 2016 - 17 school year is almost complete. You should expect to receive it next Thursday March 10. Re-registration will last from March 11 - 24. We hope you will continue to partner with us at Incarnation Catholic School next school year and beyond. 

Inspire disciples of Christ,
Challenge each individual to be a life-long learner, and
Strive to live our Catholic faith through service to each other and the community.


  1. Thanks for including black history this month and for our students!!

    1. You're welcome! ICS is a beautifully diverse school and we love celebrating all of the facets of what makes us such an AMAZING school!
