Thursday, March 27, 2014

ICS Newsletter 3.27.14

ICS Newsletter 3.27.14

3/27 - Family Supper / Irish Cup Activity

3/28 - End of Quarter 3; Stations of the Cross, p.m. activity schedule

4/2 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.

ICS 8th graders use the mobile laptops to participate in a Writer's Workshop on their speeches for the Optimist Club Speech Contest.

4/3 - 1/2 day of school; Grades 6 - 8 Reconciliation; NO AFTERCARE AVAILABLE; ICC Carnival, 6:00 - 10:00 p.m.

4/4 - NO SCHOOL, ICC Carnival, 6:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.

4/5 - ICC Carnival, 2:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.

4/6 - ICC Carnival, 1:00 - 8:00 p.m.

4/9 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.

4/10 - Family Supper / Irish Cup Activity

4/11 - Stations of the Cross, p.m. activity schedule

4/16 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.

4/17 - 1/2 Day of School, Holy Thursday

4/18 - 4/25 - No School, Easter Break

5/16 - Irish Cup Championship (formerly known as Field Day)

5/17 - ICS Dads Club Golf Outing


Please pray for Sophia Castro, a friend of the Owens family. Sophia, only 9 years old, was recently diagnosed with Leukemia and is undergoing chemotherapy. May God be with Sophia and her family during this difficult time.   

We continue to pray for Gustavo Chaviel's (Grade 7) stepfather, Mario Mora, for his recovery from an illness. 

We also continue to lift up Lourdes Fernandez, aunt of 7th Grader Javier Varela, who is also recovering from an illness and recently underwent surgery. 

Let us continue to pray for the following intentions:
-Mireida Abad
-The Baker Family
-Nilda Houellemont

Have a prayer intention? Send it to                 


At a recent in-service for faculty, Tampa Catholic High School viewed a presentation on Understanding by Design (a lesson planning model that aligns with the Common Core State Standards). This presentation, which you can view here: UbD, was created by our Information and Communication Technology teacher, Mrs. Rhonda Carrier. Her work, shared through a website called SlideShare, has been viewed over 4,000 times by those searching for more information about curriculum development. 

Great job, Mrs. Carrier! Thank you for your good work in the name of Incarnation Catholic School!
Do you know of a current ICS student or ICS graduate who has found success in the areas of academics, athletics, leadership, service or ministry that should be featured in our Newsletter? If so, please send notification to:   


The quote above comes to us from the first reading proclaimed at yesterday's Celebration of the Eucharist. It is from the Book of Deuteronomy 4:9 and was spoken by Moses to the Israelites. 

Have a great quote about our school's theme, HOME? Send it to:            


Thank you to the over 150 families who took advantage of our re-registration savings period to commit to ICS for the 2014 - 15 school year. Please know how much we value and appreciate your partnership and how much importance we place upon instructing your children through the context of our Catholic faith!


Please visit the following link to help ICS in receiving a grant for up to $200,000! ICS has over 1,800 votes. Voting lasts until April 4 and takes only a few seconds. Thank you in advance for your help! 

The final Carnival set-up days are this weekend, March 29 and 30. Come to the Pavilion on either day if you are able to help. Times will start at 9:00 a.m. and will run until the work is completed. Many jobs still need to take place, including: set up of the tent, set up of 130 tables and 550 chairs, all extension cords need to be run and all equipment needs tested, sun shades will be installed, and fryers will be put into place. 


Carnival ride tickets are on sale in the Main Office. A wrist band enables guests to ride any ride unlimited times for $75.00. Ticket sheets for lower prices (but limited riding capabilities) are also available. 


In last week's packet time slots for the school game booths during Carnival were sent home. Please to sign up for any available slots. Double hours will be given for the 10:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. shifts on both Friday and Saturday nights. Contact the Main Office for details. 


Orders for ICS Yearbooks commemorating the 2013 - 14 school year are being taken. You can purchase yearbooks online:

The Incarnation Catholic School code for purchasing online is: 1687914.

Cost is $35.00. Checks should be made payable to Incarnation Catholic School.  


Due to the Carnival, Sacred Steps Running Club will not meet next Thursday, April 3. SSRC will resume on Thursday April 10. 

SSRC will workout today from 3:15 - 4:15.


Lifetouch Spring Pictures were sent home last week. If you plan to purchase these pictures, please submit payment to the Main Office. If you do not want to purchase them, please send the pictures back to school through your child's homeroom teacher by tomorrow Friday March 28. 


Today, Thursday March 27, is our 2nd to last Family Supper / Irish Cup activity of the school year. Students and teachers will be creating chants for their priories while eating. Furthermore, today's Irish Cup Activity will be Cross-Fit, a spiritual and physical workout during which participants pray the Stations of the Cross while performing light exercises. Students and teachers will be encountering this form of prayer as Households. Please pray that this time of journeying with Christ and with each other will draw us closer together as a school "family" and closer to our Savior!


ICS Administration and Faculty have been working over the past month on the creation of an instruction framework called the AMAZING Teaching Pillars. Twelve total pillars have been established based on educational research, our Mission Statement and ICS Belief Statements. These pillars help to form an ICS philosophy of education and impact the way that teachers approach the implementation and delivery of the curriculum at our AMAZING school. 

The pillars include: 

*Technology is a tool, not a subject, that is to be used by both teachers and students

*An interdisciplinary approach, incorporating collaboration across subject areas, deepens student understandings

*Self-awareness and reflection occur organically 

*Procedures, routines, and structures maximize student learning time and make expectations clearly known

*Formative feedback impacts instruction and planning

*Planning answers the questions: What will students know or be able to do? How will you know they know or can do that? How will you get them to know or do those things?

*Discipline creates disciples of Christ

*Parents are the primary educators of their children

*All teachers catechize and evangelize

*Students are the center of the classroom, so instruction must be varied and differentiated

*Social-emotional needs of students must be met to maximize their ability to learn

*Passion and playfulness are ingredients to engaging, motivating and encouraging students to learn


Over the course of the past quarter, teachers have meet in grade levels (Primary, Upper Elementary and Middle) to discuss issues, concerns and topics particular to their grade level as well as applicable to the entire school. Topics have included: homework, behavior, study skills, and assessment. 

The purpose of these meetings is to further unify our school community as school wide philosophies, vocabularies and policies are established, refined and communicated. 

In keeping with our tradition, we at Incarnation Catholic School:
Inspire life-long learning,
Challenge each individual to be a disciple of Christ, and
Strive to live our Catholic faith through service to each other and the community.
5111 Webb Rd. * Tampa, FL 33615 * Tel: 813.884.4502 * Fax: 813.885.3734 *

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