Thursday, August 25, 2016

ICS News 8/25/16

Upcoming Events
25 - Curriculum Night, PreK3 - Grade 5, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m., St. Michael Hall
26 - Household Ceremony (students find out which Household / Priory they are in), p.m. activity schedule in St. Michael Hall
31 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.

1 - Curriculum Night, Grades 6 - 8, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m., St. Michael Hall
2 - First Friday Morning Assembly, 8:30 a.m., St. Michael Hall; Adoration for Religion Classes; Irish Incarnation Spirit Day (see the ICS Student-Family Handbook, pg. 65 for details:
5 - No school, Labor Day
6 - Picture Day (all students in formal school uniform, pg. 63 - 64:
7 - School Mass with Households, 8:30 a.m.; Band Lessons begin
9 - Mid-point of 1st Quarter, grades updated and posted on Rediker
14 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.
15 - 23 - Fall Book Fair
17 - School Mass, 4:30 p.m., Spaghetti Dinner in St. Michael Hall 5:30 - 8:00 p.m.
21 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.
22 - Family Supper with Households
28 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.
29 - 1/2 Day of School; Family - Teacher Conferences, 1:00 - 7:00 p.m.
30 - Irish Cup Activity in p.m.

1 - Sabor Latino, St. Michael Hall
5 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.; 8th Grade - Kindergarten Angel Ceremony
7 - First Friday Morning Assembly, 8:30 a.m., St. Michael Hall; Adoration for Religion Classes
10 - No school, Diocese of St. Petersburg Professional Development for Teachers
12 - School Mass with Households, 8:30 a.m.
13 - Picture Re-take Day
14 - End of 1st Quarter
15 - School Mass, 4:30 p.m.; Cookout and Movie "Under the Stars", 5:30 - 9:00 p.m. in Pavilion
17 - Beginning of Quarter 2
19 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.
20 - Family Supper with Households
26 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.
31 - Halloween Celebration

*SAVE THE DATE: November 5 - ICS Auction, Havana Nights

For a longer range of dates, please visit our year-long calendar:

Please join us in praying for the following: 

*The people of Louisiana affected by the recent flooding

*The people of Italy affected by the recent earthquake

*The repose of the soul of Monsignor Laurence Higgins, long-time pastor of St. Lawrence in Tampa

*The repose of the soul of Debbie Ziegler, the great aunt of Brian Canasi (Gr. 6), who passed into eternal life last week and for Brian and his family 

*Protection of all life and property throughout hurricane season

*Greater respect for all life from conception to natural death

Have a person or intention to add to our prayer list? Send it to 

The Tradition Continues
ICS teachers and students should be congratulated for their hard work and dedication in getting this 2016-17 school year off to such a great success. Teachers continue to design dynamic instructional lessons and students have eagerly embraced the intellectual challenges being posed in classrooms. 

Our collective efforts at Mass have showcased spirited celebrations of the Eucharist coupled with a reverent atmosphere of respect and love for our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Students have responded extremely well to school-wide expectations and policies. Common times and areas like lunch and recess have been marked by lively conversation and good, clean (behaviorally speaking) fun.  

As part of our Positive Behavior Intervention Support system, we continue to pull Red Ticket Winners on a weekly basis. Check back for today's winners! 

Curriculum Nights
ICS believes that parents and families play a vital role in the education of their children. As such, we take our partnership with students and families seriously and consider it a privilege to work with you to educate your sons and daughters both in and through the lens of the Catholic faith. One opportunity to build connections between our school and your home is during our upcoming Curriculum Nights:

*Thursday August 25 at 7:00 p.m. for PreK - Grade 5
-7:00 - 7:30 - General information in St. Michael Hall
-7:30 - 8:00 - Session 1 in classrooms with ICS teachers
-8:00 - 8:30 - Session 2 in classrooms with ICS teachers (for families with more than 1 student in grades PreK - Grade 5)

*Thursday September 1 at 7:00 p.m. for Grades 6 - 8
-7:00 - 7:30 - General information in St. Michael Hall
-7:30 - 8:30 - Middle School information in St. Michael Hall with ICS Middle School Team Teachers

Childcare for ICS students will be available on both nights. Just come to St. Michael Hall.

We hope to see you there!

All families should have received login information for using Rediker for the 2016-17 school year earlier this month. If you did not receive this email with your login credentials or have had difficulties accessing the system, please contact Ms. Sanchez:

Rediker is our Student Management System. It allows you to access Homework, Grades, Attendance, Discipline for your child(ren). It also allows you to easily communicate with your child(ren)'s teacher(s). 

Please bookmark the following page so that you can easily access our ICS Rediker account: 

Additionally, you can access Rediker through their free app, Parent Plus. When you open the app you will be prompted to enter our school name which is “Incarnation Catholic":

Personnel Updates
We are still in the final stages of hiring a 3rd / 4th grade LA / Math teacher. This final faculty position should be able to begin working with our 3rd and 4th graders next week. We will continue to keep you informed. Stay tuned!

ICS Athletics
Girls Volleyball and Co-ed Soccer seasons are underway! For the interscholastic schedule, visit our ICS Sports Wiki: 



In addition to these interscholastic sports of Volleyball (girls) and Soccer (boys and girls) in grades 4 - 8, ICS is proud to offer the following intramural and developmental athletic opportunities:

Intramural Sports
Friday August 26th Tennis Clinic
This event will be held at:
ICS pavilion 
From: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Grades: 5th - 8th
If you do not have a tennis racquet this is not a problem. We will have extra tennis racquets available for those that need one.
Student are required to wear their ICS PE uniform.

Saturday August 27th Boys Volleyball Clinic
This event will be held at:
ICS pavilion 
From: 7:00 - 8:00 a.m.
Grades: 5th - 8th
Student are required to wear their ICS PE uniform.

Friday September 16th Billiards 
This event will be held at:
Pin Chasers
5555 W. Hillsborough Ave
Tampa, FL 33634
From: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Grades: 5th-8th
Cost: $3 per child
Payments are not to be given to the school. Payments should be made at the event to Pin Chasers the day of the event. Cash payment preferred.

Friday September 30th Bowling 

This event will be held at:
Pin Chasers
5555 W. Hillsborough Ave
Tampa, FL 33634
From: 3:30-4:30pm
Grades: PreK3-8th
Cost: $3 per child
Payments are not to be given to the school. Payments should be made at the event to Pin Chasers the day of the event.  Cash payment preferred.

David's Little Champions 
Friday September 2nd Basketball 
This event will be held at:
ICS pavilion
From: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Grades: PreK3 - 3rd
Students are encouraged to bring a basketball.
Student pick up will take place at the flag pole in front of the school at 4:30 p.m.

More details about our ICS Athletic Department will can be found on our ICS Athletics Wiki: or by contacting Coach Garofolo:


Havana Nights
Havana Nights, our school's annual Auction Dinner-Dance, is ICS's largest fundraiser of the school year. In order for the event to be a success, all school families must support and/or attend this year's Auction. 

Forms to become sponsors and get involved in making this year's event a huge success were included in last week's Thursday packet. Opportunities to get involved abound. They include:

*Volunteer help

If you are interested in helping with this event, please contact the School Office. 

Mark your calendars and save the date: Saturday November 5, 2016 - Havana Nights!

Want an electronic version of the forms? Click here: 

Faith Formation
If your child will be preparing to receive the sacrament of First Communion or Confirmation at Incarnation Parish this upcoming year you must first register your child for their sacrament in the Faith Formation Office.  Sacrament preparation is a parish-centered process and registration is NOT handled through Incarnation Catholic School, but through the Faith Formation Office.

This process entails a “true and deep commitment”, not only from the child but from the parents as well.  The preparation process must be a priority and should come before sports, scouts, etc.  Please consider this before registering.  

Registration for this year's Sacrament Preparation (First Communion and Confirmation) runs from now until September 23 from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. in the Faith Formation Office (located next door to the Parish Office).  You can also register on Sunday, August 28 in St. Michael Hall from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

A copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate is required at time of registration. No registration form will be accepted without it.  

Deadline for registration is September 23.

Please feel free to call or email Philomena Johnson with any questions: (813) 884-3624,

ICS Household Initiative
New families may have noticed events such as: Household Ceremony, Mass with Households, Family Supper, and Irish Cup Activity on either the calendar listed above or in its longer form. 

Three years ago ICS began its Household Initiative. We took students from all grade levels and put them into "houses" headed up by one of our faculty / staff members. These "houses"  have students from all grade levels as a way for us to intentionally build community. We carve out time each month for this community to be fostered through three different activities:

-Household Masses (when students sit at Mass with their Households instead of grade levels)

-Family Suppers (when students eat together as a Household)

-Irish Cup Activities (when students play together as a Household and in friendly competition against other Households)

We base this philosophy off of how strong families are built: eating, playing and praying together. 

You can read more information about the ICS Household Initiative here: 

New students will join existing Households this Friday at the Household Ceremony. Be sure to ask your child(ren) about their Household!

Inspire disciples of Christ,
Challenge each individual to be a life-long learner, and
Strive to live our Catholic faith through service to each other and the community.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

ICS News 8/18/16

Upcoming Events
18 - Band forms due
19 - David's Little Champions - Soccer, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m., Grades PreK3 through 3rd 
24 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.
25 - Curriculum Night, PreK3 - Grade 5, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m., St. Michael Hall
26 - Household Ceremony (students find out which Household / Priory they are in), p.m. activity schedule in St. Michael Hall
31 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.

1 - Curriculum Night, Grades 6 - 8, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m., St. Michael Hall
2 - First Friday Morning Assembly, 8:30 a.m., St. Michael Hall; Adoration for Religion Classes; Irish Spirit Day
5 - No school, Labor Day
6 - Picture Day
7 - School Mass with Households, 8:30 a.m.; Band Lessons begin
9 - Mid-point of 1st Quarter, grades updated and posted on Rediker
14 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.
15 - 23 - Fall Book Fair
17 - School Mass, 4:30 p.m., Spaghetti Dinner in St. Michael Hall 5:30 - 8:00 p.m.
21 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.
22 - Family Supper with Households
28 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.
29 - 1/2 Day of School; Family - Teacher Conferences, 1:00 - 7:00 p.m.
30 - Irish Cup Activity in p.m.

1 - Sabor Latino, St. Michael Hall
5 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.; 8th Grade - Kindergarten Angel Ceremony
7 - First Friday Morning Assembly, 8:30 a.m., St. Michael Hall; Adoration for Religion Classes
10 - No school, Diocese of St. Petersburg Professional Development for Teachers
12 - School Mass with Households, 8:30 a.m.
13 - Picture Re-take Day
14 - End of 1st Quarter
15 - School Mass, 4:30 p.m.; Cookout and Movie "Under the Stars", 5:30 - 9:00 p.m. in Pavilion
17 - Beginning of Quarter 2
19 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.
20 - Family Supper with Households
26 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.
31 - Halloween Celebration

*SAVE THE DATE: November 5 - ICS Auction, Havana Nights

For a longer range dates, please visit our year-long calendar:

Please join us in praying for the following: 

*All ICS students, families and teachers

*Protection of all life and property throughout hurricane season

*Greater respect for all life from conception to natural death

Have a person or intention to add to our prayer list? Send it to

A Great Start
Across the board, we have been so impressed by our students' behavior at Mass, in classrooms and during common times like lunch and recess. Students have done a wonderful job showing reverence towards the Lord and our faith. They have demonstrated great focus and seriousness in academic settings. There is a life and energy permeating our campus this year! Keep up the great work, ICS!

As part of our Positive Behavior Intervention Support system, we have already had two rounds of winners in our Homeroom Red Ticket Drawings. 

Last Week's (8/10 - 8/12) Red Ticket Award Winners:
Kindergarten- Joey Lozada and Bently Paxon
1st Grade- Mary Clare Miranda-Drugovich and Sofia Lopez
2nd Grade- Ariyah Margarejo and Sadella Nguyen
3rd Grade- Oscar De los Rios and Hector Roche
4th Grade- Anthony Paulino and Justin Rosa
5th Grade- Elias Matos and Annalysa Betts
6A- Camila Castro-Galindo and Natalia Delgado
6B- Ty Martin-Ruiz and Isaiah Torres
7A- Sofia Sargeant and Devon Ostrander
7B- Kemuel Henderson and Vanessa Piedra
8A- Hannahbella Blanc and Sean Varao
8B- Keyarra Henderson and Ashlyn Straughn

This Week's (8/15 - 8/19) Red Ticket Award Winners:
Kindergarten- Carly Howe and Camilla Hernandez
1st Grade- Analisse Paulino and Isabella Avila
2nd Grade- Ramil Muraharisetti and Shawna Balco
3rd Grade- George Al-Ali and Johan Gonzalez
4th Grade- Kyra Lom and Kiara Counts
5th Grade- Kevin Jimenez and Jaxon Knight
6A- Sophia Al-Ali and Keyuloni Henderson
6B- Emma Elkins and Keanu Lopez
7A- Jackson Coulman and Leonardo Castro-Galindo
7B- Jack Spinnato and Hannah Dinh
8A- Hannahbella Blanc and Logan Maher
8B- Richard Almanzar and Malio Mayo

Drop-Off and Pick-Up
Thank you, ICS Families, for all of your efforts to establish new morning and afternoon routines for the new school year. We greatly appreciate your patience and flexibility as we indoctrinate our entire school community to our drop-off and pick-up procedures. 

A few notes:

1. Please refrain from using your cell phone. Be present to your child(ren) and heighten your awareness so as to keep all of our ICS children safe!

2. For morning drop-off, we afford the parents and families of our youngest students (PreK-3 and PreK-4) to park behind the Media Center and walk their PreK-3 and PreK-4 students to their classrooms. All other students should get dropped off in the carline by the Pavilion. 

3. For afternoon pick-up, please have the carline sign displayed in your car. If you do not have one, please contact the Front Office or you can make your own. Be creative and let your inner artist come out (check out this great example to the right!). Just make sure it has the following information: 

-First and Last names of student(s)
-Grade level(s)

These carline signs will help keep the process smooth. Thank you in advance for your help!

Curriculum Nights
ICS believes that parents and families play a vital role in the education of their children. As such, we take our partnership with students and families seriously and consider it a privilege to minister to you. One opportunity to build connections between our school and your home is during our upcoming Curriculum Nights:

*Thursday August 25 at 7:00 p.m. for PreK - Grade 5
-7:00 - 7:30 - General information in St. Michael Hall
-7:30 - 8:00 - Session 1 in classrooms with ICS teachers
-8:00 - 8:30 - Session 2 in classrooms with ICS teachers (for families with more than 1 student in grades PreK - Grade 5)

*Thursday September 1 at 7:00 p.m. for Grades 6 - 8
-7:00 - 7:30 - General information in St. Michael Hall
-7:30 - 8:30 - Middle School information in St. Michael Hall with ICS Middle School Team Teachers

Childcare for ICS students will be available on both nights. Just come to St. Michael Hall.

We hope to see you there!

All families should have received login information for using Rediker for the 2016-17 school year on Monday August 15. If you have any questions regarding Rediker and/or if you have had any problems getting into the system, please contact the School Office. If you did not receive this email, please contact us to let us know. 

Rediker is our Student Management System. It allows you to access Homework, Grades, Attendance, Discipline for your child(ren). It also allows you to easily communicate with your child(ren)'s teacher(s). 

Please bookmark the following page so that you can easily access our ICS Rediker account: 

Additionally, you can access Rediker through their free app, Parent Plus. When you open the app you will be prompted to enter our school name which is “Incarnation Catholic"

Personnel Updates
As was mentioned on 8/15/16, we are pleased to welcome Mrs. Alicia Riek (pronounced "Rick") as our new ICS School Counselor. Mrs. Riek officially began working at ICS on Tuesday. Mrs. Riek holds her Master's Degree in School Counseling from Argosy University and has experience as a School Counselor on both the Elementary and High School levels. Mrs. Riek will be at ICS on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please pray for her smooth transition to ICS and please join me in making her feel a part of our ICS family! Send her a note of welcome here:  

We are in the final stages of hiring a 3rd / 4th grade LA / Math teacher. We will keep you informed. Stay tuned!

ICS Athletics
Girls Volleyball and Co-ed Soccer seasons are underway! ICS students in grades 4 - 8 have been hard at work this week preparing for their first interscholastic games. For the interscholastic schedule, visit our ICS Sports Wiki: 



In addition to these interscholastic sports of Volleyball (girls) and Soccer (boys and girls) in grades 4 - 8, ICS is proud to offer the following intramural and developmental athletic opportunities:

Intramural Sports
*Unfortunately, the ICS Intramural Golf outing scheduled for Saturday August 20th has been postponed. We are currently dialoguing with The Eagles Golf Club to reschedule. We apologize for any inconvenience and we thank you for your patience and understanding. We will let you know when a new date has been scheduled. 

Friday August 26th Tennis Clinic
This event will be held at:
ICS pavilion 
From: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Grades: 5th - 8th
If you do not have a tennis racquet this is not a problem. We will have extra tennis racquets available for those that need one.
Student are required to wear their ICS PE uniform.

Saturday August 27th Boys Volleyball Clinic
This event will be held at:
ICS pavilion 
From: 7:00 - 8:00 a.m.
Grades: 5th - 8th
Student are required to wear their ICS PE uniform.

Friday September 16th Billiards 
This event will be held at:
Pin Chasers
5555 W. Hillsborough Ave
Tampa, FL 33634
From: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Grades: 5th-8th
Cost: $3 per child
Payments are not to be given to the school. Payments should be made at the event to Pin Chasers the day of the event.  Cash payment preferred.

Friday September 30th Bowling 

This event will be held at:
Pin Chasers
5555 W. Hillsborough Ave
Tampa, FL 33634
From: 3:30-4:30pm
Grades: PreK3-8th
Cost: $3 per child
Payments are not to be given to the school. Payments should be made at the event to Pin Chasers the day of the event.  Cash payment preferred.

David's Little Champions 
Friday August 19th Soccer
This event will be held at:
ICS field 
From: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Grades: PreK3 - 3rd
Students are encouraged to bring a soccer ball.
Student pick up will take place at the flag pole in front of the school at 4:30 p.m.

Friday September 2nd Basketball 
This event will be held at:
ICS pavilion
From: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Grades: PreK3 - 3rd
Students are encouraged to bring a basketball.
Student pick up will take place at the flag pole in front of the school at 4:30 p.m.

More details about our ICS Athletic Department will can be found on our ICS Athletics Wiki: or by contacting Coach Garofolo:


David's Little Champions
Any PreK - Grade 3 student participating in David's Little Champions Soccer session tomorrow is permitted to dress in the ICS PE uniform for Friday August 19. Even if the student does not have PE on Friday he/she should wear their PE uniform to school tomorrow. This will maximize our time spent playing soccer after school tomorrow and minimize lost items, changing issues and locker room behavioral problems. 

Pick-up will take place in the Pavilion parking lot at 4:30 p.m. 

2016 - 17 Uniforms
You can still purchase our new Green Mass Day Shirt. For the Sunshine-Wear website, go here: 

Remember that our Green Mass Day Shirt is optional and is only permitted on Wednesdays / Mass days!

Havana Nights
Plans for the 2016 ICS Auction are already underway! A team of dedicated volunteers started working on our school's largest fundraising event over the summer. We thank them for their support of Incarnation Catholic School! 
Forms to become sponsors and get involved in making this year's event a huge success are included in today's Thursday packet. Opportunities to get involved abound. They include:

*Volunteer help

If you are interested in helping with this event, please contact the School Office. 

Mark your calendars and save the date: Saturday November 5, 2016 - Havana Nights!

Faith Formation
Please read the following information about Sacramental Preparation (Eucharist, Reconciliation, Confirmation) from Philomena Johnson, Incarnation Religious Education Coordinator: 

If your child will be preparing to receive the sacrament of First Communion or Confirmation at Incarnation Parish this upcoming year you must first register your child for their sacrament in the Faith Formation Office.  Sacrament preparation is a parish-centered process and registration is NOT handled through Incarnation Catholic School, but through the Faith Formation Office.

This process entails a “true and deep commitment”, not only from the child but from you the parents as well.  The preparation process must be a priority and should come before sports, scouts, etc.  Please consider this before registering. 

Registration for this year's Sacrament Preparation (First Communion) and Confirmation runs from now until September 23 from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. in the Faith Formation Office (located next door to the Parish Office).  You can also register on Sunday, August 21 and 28 in St. Michael Hall from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

A copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate is required at time of registration. No registration form will be accepted without it.  

Deadline for registration is September 23.

Please feel free to call or email Philomena Johnson with any questions: (813) 884-3624, 

Formed Resource
Need some inspiration for your faith? Trying to find answers to spiritual questions? Incarnation Catholic Church has acquired a great educational and motivational tool, Formed. An on-line database of videos, podcasts, books and more, Formed is available to all families of our Parish and School. To access its content, follow these steps:

-Go to the website:

-Enter the Parish Code: C47GQK

-Create a personal account with your username/email and password. 

Start enjoying the best Catholic content all in one place!

If you have any questions, please contact Deacon Matt Shirina, Director of Faith Formation, at or (813) 884-3624.

Inspire disciples of Christ,
Challenge each individual to be a life-long learner, and
Strive to live our Catholic faith through service to each other and the community.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

ICS News 8/11/16

Thank You
The 2016-17 ICS school year is off to an amazing start! Thank you to all of our ICS faculty and staff, students and families for two great days! Let's keep it going!

Upcoming Events
12 - Informational Band Assembly (for participation in the ICS Band through Paul Effman), 10:30 a.m., St. Michael Hall
15 - Handbook Consent forms due to the Office; School Mass, 8:30 a.m., Feast of the Assumption (Green uniform shirts allowed); First Day of School for PreK-3 and PreK-4; Start of Volleyball and Soccer practices, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
17 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m. (Green uniform shirts allowed)
18 - Band forms due
24 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.
25 - Curriculum Night, PreK3 - Grade 5, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m., St. Michael Hall
26 - Household Ceremony (students find out which Household / Priory they are in), p.m. activity schedule in St. Michael Hall
31 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.

1 - Curriculum Night, Grades 6 - 8, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m., St. Michael Hall
2 - First Friday Morning Assembly, 8:30 a.m., St. Michael Hall; Adoration for Religion Classes; Irish Spirit Day
5 - No school, Labor Day
6 - Picture Day
7 - School Mass with Households, 8:30 a.m.; Band Lessons begin
9 - Mid-point of 1st Quarter, grades updated and posted on Rediker
14 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.
17 - School Mass, 4:30 p.m., Spaghetti Dinner in St. Michael Hall 5:30 - 8:00 p.m.
21 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.
22 - Family Supper with Households
28 - School Mass, 8:30 a.m.
29 - 1/2 Day of School; Family - Teacher Conferences, 1:00 - 7:00 p.m.
30 - Irish Cup Activity in p.m.

*SAVE THE DATE: November 5 - ICS Auction, Havana Nights

For a longer range dates, please visit our year-long calendar:

Please join us in praying for the following: 

*ICS students, families and teachers

*Coach Garofolo's new baby, Vincent Garofolo, III

*Protection of all life and property throughout hurricane season

Have a person or intention to add to our prayer list? Send it to      

Please visit this site to access our ICS Student-Family Handbook: 2016-17 ICS Student-Family Handbook

Our discipline system, PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support), has had a few updates. To look at this enhanced system, click here: ICS PBIS Manual

Please note that Handbook Consent forms are due back to the ICS School Office by Monday August 15! Copies of the form were sent home on our first day of school. If you need another one either contact the office or print one off from the Handbook (pg. 72). 

Thank you for your support!

All families will receive login information for using Rediker for the 2016-17 school year on Monday August 15. If you have any questions regarding Rediker and/or have any problems getting into the system, please contact the School Office. 

Rediker is our Student Management System. It allows you to access Homework, Grades, Attendance, Discipline for your child(ren). It also allows you to easily communicate with your child(ren)'s teacher(s). 

Again, look for this information to come to your email account on Monday August 15. 

Please bookmark the following page so that you can easily access our ICS Rediker account: 

Additionally, you can access Rediker through their free app, Parent Plus. When you open the app you will be prompted to enter our school name which is “Incarnation Catholic"
Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about ParentPlus. Download ParentPlus and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod ...

Personnel Updates
We are close to having both a new School Counselor and a new 3rd - 4th Grade LA / Math teacher. We appreciate your patience and will keep you informed of our progress. Thank you. 

Please note that 3rd and 4th grade Math and LA are being taught by both Mrs. Arakelian and Mrs. McInerney, respectively, on the homeroom levels for now. Once a new teacher is hired, the grade levels will be split for more intimate instruction in these academically rigorous subjects. 

ICS Athletics
In addition to our interscholastic sports of Volleyball (girls) and Soccer (boys and girls) in grades 4 - 8, ICS is proud to offer the following intramural and developmental athletic opportunities:

Intramural Sports
Saturday August 20th Golf
This event will be held at:
The Eagles Golf Club
From: 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
Grades: 1st - 8th
Children without golf clubs will be provided with clubs to use for the session.
Cost: $15 per child 
Payments are not to be given to the school. Payments should be made at the event to the Eagles Golf Club the day of the event.  Cash payment preferred.

*Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled. We are currently dialoguing with The Eagles Golf Club to reschedule. We apologize for any inconvenience and we thank you for your understanding. 

Friday August 26th Tennis Clinic
This event will be held at:
ICS pavilion 
From: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Grades: 5th - 8th
If you do not have a tennis racquet this is not a problem. We will have extra tennis racquets available for those that need one.
Student are required to wear their ICS PE uniform.

Saturday August 27th Boys Volleyball Clinic
This event will be held at:
ICS pavilion 
From: 7:00 - 8:00 a.m.
Grades: 5th - 8th
Student are required to wear their ICS PE uniform.

Friday September 16th Billiards 
This event will be held at:
Pin Chasers
5555 W. Hillsborough Ave
Tampa, FL 33634
From: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Grades: 5th-8th
Cost: $3 per child
Payments are not to be given to the school. Payments should be made at the event to Pin Chasers the day of the event.  Cash payment preferred.

Friday September 30th Bowling 
This event will be held at:
Pin Chasers
5555 W. Hillsborough Ave
Tampa, FL 33634
From: 3:30-4:30pm
Grades: PreK3-8th
Cost: $3 per child

Payments are not to be given to the school. Payments should be made at the event to Pin Chasers the day of the event.  Cash payment preferred.

David's Little Champions 
Friday August 19th Soccer
This event will be held at:
ICS field 
From: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Grades: PreK3 - 3rd
Students are encouraged to bring a soccer ball.
Student pick up will take place at the flag pole in front of the school at 4:30 p.m.

Friday September 2nd Basketball 
This event will be held at:
ICS pavilion
From: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Grades: PreK3 - 3rd
Students are encouraged to bring a basketball.
Student pick up will take place at the flag pole in front of the school at 4:30 p.m.

More details about our ICS Athletic Department will can be found on our ICS Athletics Wiki: or by contacting Coach Garofolo:


2016 - 17 Uniforms
We greatly appreciate your patience with our uniform company, Sunshine-Wear. We are aware that some items are on backorder. This can happen even with local stores. Please know of patience and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact the Main Office.  

For the Sunshine-Wear website, go here: 

Some reminders for this school year regarding our ICS uniform:

1. Green Mass Day Shirt - As a way to introduce our new school logo into our uniform, all students (K - Grade 8) will be permitted to purchase and wear a "Green" uniform shirt on Wednesdays (Mass days) this year. This Green shirt is optional and is permitted only on Wednesdays / Mass days! 

2. TOMS Shoes - In conjunction with our 2016 - 17 theme, "FTPRINT", students are permitted to purchase and wear shoes from TOMS: As a way to leave a "Footprint" on our world through our ICS uniform, shoes purchased for ICS can provide a comparable pair to someone who would otherwise go without footwear. Purchasing school shoes from this site is optional. If you decide to utilize this company, just be sure to stay within our school policy: 

-Grades K - 5: 

  • Grades K–2: Black tie or Velcro shoes
  • Grades 3–5: Black tie shoes

-Grades 6 - 8:
  • Tan, brown, or black shoes, all of the material must be of a consistent color; soles must be dark, the top of the shoe should not go above the ankle

Inspire disciples of Christ,
Challenge each individual to be a life-long learner, and
Strive to live our Catholic faith through service to each other and the community.