Incarnation Catholic School
Home and School
Association Calendar
2015 – 2016
23 Family
Movie Night – Setup, operations,
29 Family – Teacher Conference –
Food for teachers (meals, snacks, drinks)
30 Halloween Celebrations – Classroom
Level; Trunk or Treat - tentative (1/2 day of school)
5 Auction set-up (background
6 Auction set-up
7 ICS Auction – Auction set-up;
Auction operations; Auction cleanup
19 Thanksgiving celebrations – Classroom
level; during lunch / recess
20 ICS Family Fun Run course set-up;
stuff packets
21 ICS Family Fun Run – Registration
Set-up; Registration; Course spotters; Cleanup
28 Santa’s
Breakfast – Set-up; cooking; serving; crafts; pictures with Santa; Cleanup
18 Winter Wonderland (Grades
PreK – 2) – class level help
5 – 12 ICS Spring Book Fair – Setup, checkout, operational help
11 Family – Teacher Conferences – Food for teachers
12 Grandparents’ Day – Setup, check-in, serving,
17 St. Patrick’s
Day – Classroom level celebrations during lunch / recess
14 Carnival, 6:00 – 10:00 p.m.
15 Carnival, 6:00 p.m. – 12:00
16 – 17 Carnival (Saturday 2:00 p.m. – 12:00
p.m.; Sunday 1:00 – 8:00 p.m.)
18 Carnival Clean-up – No School
13 3rd
Annual Irish Cup Championship – Setup, operations, cleanup
25 8th Grade Luncheon with Fr. Michael
Suszynski – Setup, serving, cleanup
28 ICS Class of 2016 Graduation Reception – Setup,
serving, cleanup
2 Honor Roll Breakfast – Setup, serving, cleanup
3 Class Parties
– classroom level, after Mass and awards
For any volunteer
opportunities during the school day, volunteers must have a valid Level II
Background Screening.
For any function involving
the supervision of children, Level II Background Screening and Safe Environment
Program training is required.
Miscellaneous opportunities:
*Box Tops – counting and
*Fellowship phone calls –
upcoming events, acclimating to the school, questions
*Communications – helping
with Bulletin submissions, promotional flyers
*Thursday packets – stuffing
the Thursday envelopes with information
*Open House Ambassadors –
helping to give tours during our Open Houses for prospective families, follow
up phone calls to keep prospective families engaged
*Campus cleanup (as needed) –
pressure washing the fence around campus, painting, landscaping for special
*Dads Club Golf Outing – Day
/ Time TBD
Fundraising Requirements:
*Families must raise a total
of $150 between our two biggest school fundraisers – Auction and the Payday
Sweepstakes Drawing
can be done in any combination –
to Auction, 8 tickets ($80) to the Drawing;
to the Auction;
to the Drawing
Volunteer Requirements:
*Families must complete at
least 20 hours of service throughout the course of the year.
hours must be completed in conjunction with the Auction and/or Carnival, with
at least 4 of those hours being at the Carnival.
*Families will be billed at
$25.00 per hour for any hours not fulfilled.
Your commitment to
Incarnation Catholic School through your time and talent is essential in order
for our school to continue to grow and advance. Thank you for your prayerful
consideration of how you will commit to help ICS this year.
ICS Home and School Association Committee Areas:
1. Fellowship
The Fellowship Committee will be responsible for engaging current and prospective families along with students, faculty, staff and community members to build fellowship between and among these various parts of our school.
A. New Family Outreach - form a "Welcome Wagon" that would indoctrinate new families into the ICS Family
B. Current Family Connections - design strategies to sustain and enhance the relationship that current families have with the school
C. Membership Coordination - execute and track the membership drive for families to be a part of the HSA
D. School and Weekend Masses - coordinate activities to capitalize on families' participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist
E. School Assemblies and Student Activities - coordinate activities to capitalize on families' participation in school assemblies and other student activities
F. Invitations for Events - design and distribute invitations to families for various HSA and ICS events
G. Prospective Family Engagement - work closely with administration and staff to coordinate and execute Open Houses for Prospective Families.
2. Communications
The Communications Committee will help with the various avenues of communication that take place within the school. The Communications Committee will help assist many of the other committees with the specific task of delivering messages about events, news and updates.
A. Internal Communication - Newsletters, flyers, Facebook messages, tweets.
B. External - Marketing - some of the above plus media directly aimed at soliciting new relationships with ICS.
C. Social Media - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest.
D. Incarnation Parish Bulletin - creating weekly submissions for the Church Bulletin.
E. Front Office Communications - helping pack envelopes, additional support during busy times (i.e. Carnival, beginning / end of the year).
F. Calls - donations, reminders, invitations, prospective families, outreach to current families.
G. HSA Updates - communications to the community about upcoming events within the Home and School Association.
F. Church Liaison - coordinate with the Church regarding fundraisers, events, sacramental prep and other Church information.
H. Directory of Contacts - school family directory, business directory, alumni directory, donor directory.
3. Fundraising
The Fundraising Committee would work with the other committees, especially those in charge of events, on raising money for the operating budget of the school as well as for capital improvements.
A. Treasury - the Fundraising Committee would be in charge of collecting and tracking money for all HSA events. Preparing cash boxes for events, working with Event Committees to compile supplies, and submitting money to the Business Office are the key components of this Committee.
B. Business Partnerships / Sponsorships - work with area businesses and individuals to partner with ICS for donations, supplies and services.
C. Membership Requirements - work with the Fellowship Committee regarding Membership Dues and tracking these transactions, track commitment hours as well as fundraising requirements for each family.
D. Spirit Sales - develop, organize and oversee a spirit "store" with shirts, hats, and other ICS gear for purchase.
4. Events
The Events Committee will help to operationally coordinate and run the various HSA events throughout the school year.
A. Set-Up / Take-Down - this committee will help to set-up and/or take-down the facility needs for the various events.
B. Volunteer Sign-Up - based on the needs of the various events, this portion of the Events Committee will ensure volunteers are recruited and confirmed for the various events.
C. Decorations - from table cloths to other decor needed for various events, this group will work on the aesthetics for each activity.
D. Marketing - create in conjunction with the Communications Committee advertisements for HSA events.
E. Finances - partner with the Fundraising Committee to track money out and in for events.
F. Operations - ensure the operations for each event from start to finish.
5. Homeroom Parents
This group will work closely with Homeroom teachers to coordinate classroom activities and parties, help with various school activities, and communicate with families from that grade level.
6. Dads Club
The purpose of the ICS DADS CLUB is to build community and support for Incarnation Catholic School among fathers and father-figures of our students. This includes:
*Supporting our children
*Supporting our School and Church
*Supporting each other as Catholic men
*Promoting Catholic values and excellence among the ICS community
A. Golf Tournament - the ICS DADS CLUB is also responsible for the Golf Tournament.
7. Facilities
The Facilities Committee is responsible for working with the administration and Director of Facilities to help advance the school from a structural standpoint.
A. Beautification - help to rake leaves, pressure wash, paint, spread mulch, etc. as needed throughout the year.
B. Signs and Stories - work closely with administration and teachers to work on bulletin boards, walls, and other areas of our school to display the story of excellence at ICS.
C. Building and Construction - assist with the continuous improvement and enhancement of our school from a structural standpoint.
8. Auction
The Auction Committee will oversee the school's largest fundraiser. The Auction Committee will work closely with the other committees to ensure successful execution of this event.
9. Carnival
Similar to the Auction Committee, the Carnival Committee will work closely with the rest of the HSA Area Committees as well as representatives from the Church to host this community building event.
10. School and Home
The administration, faculty and staff will function as a integral part of this new structure within the Home and School Association. The School and Home Committee will be comprised of the administration, faculty and staff of ICS. A representative from the school will serve as the chairperson for this committee.
11. Students Ambassadors
This committee will be composed of the members and officers of the ICS Student Council. Officers will attend HSA Leadership Team meetings. A parent liaison will work closely with the Student Council and the HSA to help provide authentic opportunities for students to engage in these professional environments.
Please prayerfully consider how you can best help our school through our Home and School Association. - everyone must play a part! Stay tuned for more details and contact Mr. Zelenka if you have a desire to work in a leadership role in any of the areas above.
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